
Department of Environment and Forest,UT of Lakshadweep,
Government of India
पर्यावरण और वन विभाग, लक्षद्वीप संघ राज्य क्षेत्र, भारत सरकार


Population explosion, coupled with improved life style of people, results in increased generation of solid wastes in islands. The major part of the waste is non-biodegradable waste. Disposal of these waste in islands are very difficult and most commonly see that people usually thrown the waste either to the vacant land or to the lagoon / seashore during night. This has become the root cause for major health issues & also for environment pollution. Above all, these practices destroy the beauty of our seashores and lagoons and become a nuisance to the tourists who visits here. Considering these matters, the Administration, U.T. of Lakshadweep has implemented the Polythene/ Plastic ban in Lakshadweep under Sanitation & Conservancy Bye Law, 1998 of Panchayat Regulation, 1994 and prohibited the import and or use of polythene and plastic materials for packing and carrying of consumer goods in the whole of the Union Territory of Lakshadweep with effected from 01.08.1998. The Department of Environment and Forest is the implementing agency to monitor the plastic ban in Lakshadweep.

Plastic ban report from all islands during the period of July 2018 to March 2019, it has been observed that the entire island was conducting the periodical monitoring and inspection. The authorized officials in charge of the department have inspected 204 establishment including hotels/shops/other commercial institutions. 21 number of awareness campaign conducted during the period. Beat plastic pollution campaign and Swachatha Hi Seva awareness programs has been the major awareness campaigns